Warner Engine Manuals are reprinted from the original manual and may show minor imperfections. Partial manuals may be ordered by specifying pages that are needed. Manuals are unbound, and are punched for insertion into a three hole binder. Please complete an order form and include with your check or money order.
Warner Engine Handbook, Third Edition, January 1935, Scarab Jr/Scarab/Super Scarab, 39 pages,
PRICE: $19.80
Warner Engine Handbook, First Edition, August 1945, Super Scarab SS-50 and SS-50A, 95 pages,
PRICE: $23.75
Warner Engine Handbook, First Edition, September 1946, Super Scarab Models 165 and 185, 111 pages, PRICE: $35.00
Warner Parts Catalog, (Civilian) March 1942, All W-165 Models, 25 pages, PRICE: $10.00
Warner Parts Catalog, (Military) Model R-500 engine (Warner 165), October 1, 1942, 42 pages, PRICE: $16.80
Warner Parts Catalog, (Military) Model R-550 engine (Warner 185), January 15, 1944, 50 pages,
PRICE: $20.00
Warner Engine Company LLC
P. O. Box 9
Palmer Lake, CO 80133